Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Fun with Flashcards

When Emery was about 6 months old, I got an inspiration from the "As Seen on TV" products, My Baby Can Read! So, I decided to try my own version of it with Emery one day. I used some gift card money that I still had not used from Emery's baby shower to buy some flash cards.

When it was breakfast or snack time, I started showing her flash cards that had simple images on them that I knew she could recognize, but wasn't able to say quite yet. I showed her pictures of animals, food, and other simple things like books, etc. I started making piles according to what she learned and what she didn't quite know yet.

The first pile was the pile I started with that only had about 5 picture cards that she would recognize right away( puppies, book, spoon, ball, etc.). When she learned those, I added 5 new ones, my second pile.  The ones that she got right every few times became my third pile. When I got to about 15 cards, I got rid of the first set of cards because those she knew too well. Soon one of the piles became words only without the picture. We started with "pig".

I found that she listened best if she was kept busy eating or was having fun at the table. It helped her focus a lot more :)  When it came to potty training in our new place, we would read books, sing hand motion songs (itsy bitsy spider, etc. ) AND do flash cards all on the potty! It was like a potty party:)

Now,  (not six months old anymore, tear) we got a good routine going and I think it has really helped since we have started :) Find some cheap flash cards and give it a whirl!

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