Sunday, August 7, 2011

Tasties on Toast

I don't know about you, but I am not a huge jelly or jam fan. I do enjoy a fresh homemade batch, but not enough to buy the really good and expensive stuff.
When Emery was still on baby food, sometimes she needed assistance going to the potty if ya know what I mean. So I bought a box of prunes. Not only were they a great teether, but they were healthy and naturally sweet. It gave me the idea to add a new tasty treat to her morning breakfast.

Instead of giving your child the overly processed jelly with a lot of added sugar, try spreading some prunes on some toast. Not only is it healthy, but it is sweet enough to replace the regular stuff. It also helps digest the rest of their foods. I also spread applesauce with cinnamon or spread fresh  fruit (the mushy ones like berries or bananas) over the top  of a warm piece of toast which makes a jelly like sauce.

All you have to do is cut up the prunes or berries ( I usually toss em quickly through our blender) and spread it on some toast. Yum! A great breakfast or snack!

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