Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Under Construction Update

So I know my blog is far from really being finished. I guess I should have finalized everything before I "officially" started blogging. I have been wanting to get pictures up and have the font corrected, etc., but I have been having slow computer problems that just prolong me from actually taking the time to do it right :)  There are also so many neat backgrounds and gadgets you can add to personalize your blogs. It is so fun to do- I keep changing it!  Oh, well. I will get it done some time. Slowly, but surely. I think Tyler and I are actually planning on getting another blog going that can be about the family so we can post updates on what we are doing and where we are going.

I do still have lots of interesting things that I have been learning and researching. Hopefully you will want to keep reading some of what I have found :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Can it be that Emery Pearl is already one year old! Blessings to you and to her on this her birthday!
from Gerald Browning