Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Resources for Homemaking and Home Management

Well, The Student Center is finally completed! I can breathe now and maybe update my blog a bit more :)  

I was searching on the internet one night on a few blogging websites that I found from a friend. I think there is some really good information on these sites. Many of these women have a lot of wisdom  that they have shared. I found everything from how to raise your children in a Christian house hold to living an all natural lifestyle.

I was looking  for some good books to buy for Emery or ask for them as gifts. Here are some that I found:


Another blog that I found is similar to the one above. It has practical tips for stay at home moms, working moms, and moms on the go! She has some great resources to utilize


The Simple Home has all sorts of info on how to live an easier and much simpler lifestyle with a family


If you are interested in an all natural lifestyle or would like more tips/ideas on it, check out this one. It is naturally inspired homemaking. 


If you are interested in reading more about being intentional with your time at home or away from home, this might be a good one for you. It has the same topics as above such as homeschooling, recipes, raising kids, etc.

Here are a few more links to children's christian literature and resources.

Prayer lists and home organization charts


Take a look if any seem to spark your interest. I have found some really helpful information!

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